Free Qr Code Generator
QR code or ‘Quick Response’ code has many uses. It is used by business houses to segregate products in an easy manner. Many youngsters treat this as a logo for their group of friends and use it on T-shirts, etc. It can even contain special days such as birthdays, anniversaries and names, phone numbers, etc. In order to create the same, the Free QR Code Generator should be considered. It is a very easy to use tool that generates some of the best looking codes with just a few clicks. Being a 100% free of cost, anyone can download and use it without paying a penny. Be it for personal as well as professional purposes, this app is an ideal choice for all. The file size of the software is very small and hence, it does not eat up the disk space. The absence of any malware or adware makes it very safe for the security of the device. Users will not need any help in managing the app as it is basic. The Free QR Code Generator has a graphical user interface with an easy layout. Any of the functions can be put to use without having to search for them. This flexible tool can be downloaded onto any device that runs on Windows OS. Once this is accomplished, all that the users need to do is to specify the information or data which needs to be displayed on the code. There is a preview window which immediately displays the respective QR code. When the user is satisfied, he or she can then save the code and get it printed for further use. The Free QR Code Generator supports the PNG format which is one of the most compatible file types. It is fast, reliable and efficient.

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