Free Php Editor
Writing and testing PHP scripts and editing them whenever there is a requirement, is the key functionality of the Free PHP Editor. It is a very handy tool that can be used by anyone with ease. There are a host of features which form a part of this wonderful app and all of them make this a must have for web developers. Since it is very important for websites to come up with error free programming, this software is an ideal choice. It is a small sized file that can be downloaded and installed onto any device that runs on Windows OS. The speed and performance of the laptop or PC is not affected in any way and the ease with which editing functions can be carried out is also impressive. The Free PHP Editor has a user friendly interface. All the functions are available in the main menu itself. There is no need to search for any of them. Some of these include syntax highlighting, viewing project files, code checking, etc. Once it is initiated, users can copy the code or the URL and check the same. They can search for specific portions or codes without any hitches. Adding bookmarks is also possible. With a ‘help’ file and several formatting options, it is one of the most comprehensive tools. The Free PHP Editor enables users to zoom in and zoom out the script, run and preview it and change the font with just a few clicks. Inserting new codes is possible and customization of the same can be done as well. Though it is a powerful tool, it does not need much of the system resources. Professionals as well as novice developers can make the most of the app and come up with error free coding.

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