Custom Prompts for ChatGPt

Posted on: 04/05/2023

Youtube Transcript AI Summary can make use of custom prompts when sending requests from ChatGPT interface. It embeds prompts to the content to summarize content as you want. There are 3 types of prompts for two methods.

Start Prompt: This prepares ChatGOT to get ready to receive further prompts as we guide it as we want. For example:


Prompt for Chunks: This prompt is used when the text length is too long and we need to break text into chunks. Check our prompt and its response when used.


Last Prompt: As name says, this prompt runs at end of running all the process. We have used tl;dr prompt in our extension. You can change it to ‘Get detailed summary of above text’ ‘List all main points in above text’ or anything that fins your use case.
